Saturday 16 January 2010

Adding some finer details

After going into college friday and talking to Dean I feel like the modelling process is starting to come to a natural conclusion, I only really need to model a few smaller details and have spent some time this morning adding some of those details.

I have modelled a strap around the arm that holds the knife in place aswell as a throwing knife to go around the waist band, for now i have duplicated the throwing knife but when it comes to unwrapping I will delete all but 1 and then once its unwrapped I will duplicate it over again.

piccy time....


  1. Looks great Adam. Its really got character now. Roll on the texturing and unwrapping. Ten the fun begins :D

  2. I am impressed, this looks like you have enjoyed the process and got the model to have lots of character and style.

  3. thank you stas, and yeah definately started to enjoy this project its made me apreichiate the process of going from a flat plane to something that i could see running round
