Tuesday 15 December 2009

i have legs yay

So todays work has been on finalising the base model by giving him legs and feet next up is the accesories.



  1. Hey Adam it is looking really good. I am just wondering if the addition of rips, holes, patches and general wear and tear on the trousers would look really cool. I know this would be done in the texture but I thought I would mention it whilst it was fresh in my head. Also I think that 'spurs' on the heals would look really cool, maybe.

  2. i've been debating some spurs they would be pretty simple and would add quite a bit so i probally will add some. the wear and tear on the jeans might happen too but i think that would be more subtlely done with a normal map and texture as you said

  3. Spurs would definitly be good and enhance his shape.

    Is it me though or does he look a bit thin. I am sure Danny Trejo is a bit more bulky. It might be nice to have a play with that and see how he looks a bit more chunky.

    I feel once he is skinned he might look a bit feeble and being a hardened Bounty hunter you would ecpect him to be a big bigger.

    This is easily achieved using soft selection.

    Have a go just to see as you have plenty of time. It would definitly help I think.
