Wednesday, 3 February 2010

i dont have a lot of options i'm catholic i thought you'd be happy

So today I have done a bit of work trying to get as much done before the baby arrives.

I've added folds to the jeans and vest, I have also redone the eyes by taking a close up of my eyes whilst giving my best scowl and blening it in to the picture, I added a bit of specular to the face which is working quite well. Next up I need to start texturing the arms which I can see being fun. I've deleted alot of my body texture layout and re-unwrapped alot of the model to get it to fit in better and I'm definately happier with the results.


  1. Wow! It looks great!!! :D I'm loving the wrinkles in his face, hes a cool cowboy :P

  2. HE HEE This fella is starting to look like one mean Mo Fo. The face looks ACE now. Really has made him look a right hard man now he has that squinting scowl. Great Work Adam.
    In regards to the cloth folds in the texture. Its still not quite there. Keep at it though as you almost are.

  3. Wow mate, this last post has really brought the detail out on the face. Nice one!

  4. thanks guys. Yeah loving the face right now just need the same level of texturing on the clothes now
