Wednesday 25 November 2009

A little R&D goes a long way

Its research time in Stocko mansion and the helper monkeys are scurrying about finding images that would be of use. but while they are doing that I have been sketching out some ideas, my 1st step was to produce some silhouettes which I began doing in class, by the end of the day I had produced 7-8 small images that were all very similar as I had an idea in my head of what I wanted to have as a character.

The next day in class Mr 2 had produced a really nice page of stick men that he shared with the class to help us draw our silhouettes at the same size and in proportion across the entire page instead of a mess of scribbles that would become unclear. I took that sheet home and began to sketch out more silhouettes this time thinking about the type of people you see in the general wild west movie (or YMCA video) but the tiny sketches are helping me to think more liberally about what my character will look like instead of having a 1st idea and sticking with it.

As you can see theirs a variety within the characters however a few of them are pretty simular my favorite at the moment is the indian with the guy on the end of the top row a close second.

I have already kind of decided that my characters face will be based upon Danny Trejo for people that don't know te name he's the badass mexican in every movie that has a badass mexican in to name a few of the movies I'm talking about he was the guy with the throing knives in Desperado, the crazy rapist/murderer with the tatoo in Con air he also played the crazy uncle in spy kids. Can you picture him now? if not here he is

so now your thinking OHHHHH HIM yeah he's cool well if you have seen any images of his new movie Machette thats the look that 1st attracted me to making him my character

So now it's a case of finding the look for him that is original (so bang goes the idea of making him in machette) however it has to fit into the cowboy theme of my level with some elements of the future.

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