Monday 30 November 2009

The modelling begins

Today was a pretty good day, I've started to model stuff beginning with the chest.
most of what ive done is pretty rough because I've never tried modelling a human before but i think its starting to look pretty good, I have had to make some creative changes to the blueprints as I go mainly a few small things such as the back was a complete guestimate as I didn't have the fore thought to draw my side blueprints without the arm to make it easier to model (will remember for next time). After college i spent a bit more time on the chest I alsodone the basics for the back, so now the maintorso section is around 50% complete i just need to make some cuts into it and extrude out the piping of the vests neck and sleaves.

I have been taking notes as to which parts will be made in true 3d and which will be faked with a normal map.

Heres todays images.....

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